Finding Your Signature

02 Dec


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I think every event planner should make their events known and partly a little theirs.  For all the hard work that they put into these events, there should be something that they add as their own little special touch.  Through adding something signature to all events, it will help distinguish their events from other planner’s.

Finding your signature is something that should be given a lot of time and consideration.  It should be something that represents you as a planner, person, and professional.  It should be something that guests can easily recognize as your event, but also not clash with the event that is planned.  You signature should consist of a small touch that can be displayed at the event.

I think adding your signature to any event is important to help people see and know your work.  I think it is almost like mini advertising for you and your services that you can offer.  If guest like your work and can pick out your work, you will have a good chance of getting hired for another event.

Signatures can be anything from using certain products such as crystals, candles, certain flowers, or really anything that you incorporate into your events.  You can add a logo design somewhere in the event.  You can serve a certain food or drink that you like at every event.

By adding touches and signatures to your events, it will help distinguish and show your work.  It will make your name known in the industry and also recognized among avid event goers.  Find your signature and let it be known.

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Posted by on December 2, 2011 in Uncategorized


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